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How to have access to M218 controllers in Machine Expert

The M218 controllers are not sold or supported in the US, they are only sold and supported in Asia. So to have access to them you will need to use the Local Offer code that you enter to unlock it from the Machine Expert Installer "Customize" screen: 4Z8X2U2YYJ6PVHWMMW2YDXRUAQ. Here's the step-by-step to do it:

Step 1: Open the Schneider Electric Software installer and select "Modify Installed Software"

Step 2: Select "Customize version" and click Next

Step 3:  Click on the configuration dropdown menu on the up-right of your screen and select "Local Offer Code"

Step 4:  Enter the following code: 4Z8X2U2YYJ6PVHWMMW2YDXRUAQ to unlock the M218

Step 5: Continue the download process and now you should have the M218 repository in Machine Expert

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