Option to safely engage and disengage power stabs from the vertical bus with the unit door closed for MCC
Product Line:
Motor Control Centers
Unit compatibility and ordering
Yes, only if the bucket is a Closed Door Racking (CDR) unit. This solution allows the user to disengage or engage the bucket with the door closed using a racking handle, an electric screwdriver and/or a remote racking device to perform this action from outside of the flash boundary.
CDR units are available for standards, arc-resistance, and intelligent MCCs, as with Starters sizes 1 – 4, AltistartTM 22 and 48, AltivarTM 61 and 71 and it is Compatible with Model 5 legacy MCCs. Contact your local distributor to get a CDR unit or call 888-SQUARED (888-778-2733) to retrofit an existing unit.