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ATS480 Soft Starter power and motor cable terminal connections.
Where are the main power and motor cables connected to the ATS480 soft starter?
Product Line:
ATS480 Soft Starter
Power and Motor terminal connections.
(L1 L2 L3) (A2 B2 C2) (T1 T2 T3) power and motor terminal connections.
L1 L2 L3 are the line voltage power terminals.
A2 B2 C2 are the optional shorting contactor terminals.
T1 T2 T3 are the motor cable wiring terminals.
Please refer to the most recent ATS480 installation manual NNZ85515 version 4 or higher for more additional information.
ATS480 user manual User guide | Schneider Electric
Đã phát hành cho:Schneider Electric Việt Nam
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