Schneider Electric Cybersecurity Virtual Academy
Understand cyber risks and opportunities in today's digital landscape.
Understand cyber risks and opportunities in today's digital landscape.
Schneider Electric offers a wide range of trainings by domain of expertise.
Data and AI Governance | Privacy-Preserving Sharing of Industrial Maintenance Reports in Industry 4.0. | Fourth IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering, Laguna Hills, United States, December 2021. |
Dependability Modelling | Combining First Principles and Machine Learning for Optimal Maintenance of Electrical Assets | CIGI QUALITA International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Quality, Grenoble, France, May 2021. |
Dependability Modelling | Accurate Thermal Monitoring by Sensor Embedded in Switchgear Bushing | 26th CIRED International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, Geneva, Switzerland, September 2021 |
Dependability Modelling | Innovative Continuous Partial Discharge Monitoring for MV Substation | 26th CIRED International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, Geneva, Switzerland, September 2021 |
Dependability Modelling | Compliance: Conquer the Rules for a Better Product. | IEEE International Conference on Technology, Engineering, Management for Societal Impact using Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Talent, Bangalore, India, December 2020. |
Machine Learning | Passage Retrieval on Structured Documents using Graph Attention Networks. | European Conference on Information Retrieval, Stavanger, Norway, April 2022. |
Machine Learning | A Pre-Screening Approach for Faster Bayesian Network Structure Learning | European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD 2022), Grenoble, France, September 2022. |
Machine Learning | Developing Light Weight Models that Run on Edge Devices for Detecting Anomalies and Events in Oil and Gas Extraction using Unsupervised Learning and Similarity Methods. | International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Trends and Pattern Recognition, Hyderabad, India, March 2022. |
Machine Learning | Passage Retrieval in Context: Experiments on Patents. | 17th French Information Retrieval Conference, Grenoble, France, 2021. |
Machine Learning | Neural Networks based Speed-Torque Estimators for Induction Motors and Performance Metrics. | IECON 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Singapore, October 2020. |
Optimization and Simulation | Data-Driven Modelling for HVAC Energy Flexibility Optimization. | IEEE Power and Energy Society Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, Novi Sad, Serbia, October 2022. |
Optimization and Simulation | IT Equipment Cooling Assessment and Metrics | IEEE Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems, San Diego, United States, June 2022. |
Optimization and Simulation | Microgrid Digital Twin for Advanced Operation Services | 26th CIRED International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, Geneva, Switzerland, September 2021. |