Explore Corporate Governance

Board of Directors

Board’s Study Committees
Governance structure
Schneider Electric is a European company with a Board of Directors. On May 4, 2023, the Board of Directors decided to implement a new governance structure that splits the office of Chairman from that of Chief Executive Officer. Since then, Jean-Pascal Tricoire has remained Chairman of the Board of Directors while a Chief Executive Officer was appointed becoming responsible for the general management of the Company, as the sole executive corporate officer. On November 1st, 2024, the Board of Directors appointed Olivier Blum as Chief Executive Officer of Schneider Electric SE.
The Company applies AFEP/MEDEF corporate governance Code of listed corporations. Consult the code (pdf, 560Kb).
Board of Directors and its Committees
The Board of Directors shall determine the business strategy of the Company and monitors its implementation, in accordance with its corporate interest and while considering its social and environmental aspects. Subject to the powers expressly conferred to annual general shareholders’ meetings and within the limit of the corporate purpose, it shall deal with all matters regarding the smooth running of the Company and settles issues concerning the Company. At any time in the year, the Board carries out the controls and verifications it deems appropriate.
In its internal regulations, the Board has set out the roles, responsibilities and resources of its five study committees: the Governance, Nominations & Sustainability Committee, the Audit & Risks Committee, the Human Capital & Remunerations Committee, the Investment Committee and the Digital Committee.
Committee members are appointed by the Board of Directors upon the proposal of the Governance, Nominations & Sustainability Committee.
Internal regulations of the Board of Directors (pdf, 185 Kb) >
About the Board of Directors >
Senior Management
The Chief Executive Officer
On November 1st, 2024, the Board of Directors has decided to appoint Mr. Olivier Blum as Chief Executive Officer of Schneider Electric SE.
The Chief Executive Officer has the broadest powers to act in all circumstances in the name of the Company. The Chief Executive Officer represents the Company in its relationship with third parties. He exercises his powers within the limitations of the corporate purpose, and subject to any powers expressly attributed by law to the Shareholders’ Annual General Meeting and Board of Directors.
The Chief Executive Officer will be requested to obtain the Board’s prior approval for:
- all disposals or acquisitions of holdings or assets by the Company or by a Group company for a sum of more than 250 million euros;
- significant changes to the scope and portfolio of activities outside of the strategy shared with the Board of Directors;
- establishment of significant strategic alliances;
- any settlement for a sum of more than 125 million euros;
- any off-balance sheet commitment in excess of 125 million euros other than those relating to a guarantee given to an entity of the Group;
- major and very significant changes to the Group’s internal organization.
Corporate Officers' Compensation
Board of Directors of the 16th February 2022 – 2021 compensation (pdf, 325 Kb) >
Board of Directors of the 25th March 2021 – LTIP 2021 (pdf, 71,3 Kb) >
Board of Directors of the 10th February 2021 – 2020 compensation (pdf, 385 Kb) >
Board of Directors of the 19th February 2020 – 2019 compensation (pdf, 519 Kb) >
Board of Directors of the 14th February 2019 – 2018 compensation (pdf, 392 Kb) >
Board of Directors of the 15th February 2017 - 2017 compensation (pdf, 587 Kb) >
Board of Directors of the 15th February 2017 - 2016 compensation (pdf, 587 Kb) >
Board of Directors of the 16th February 2016 (pdf, 104 Kb) >
Board of Directors of the 18th February 2015 (pdf, 77 Kb) >
Board of Directors of the 19th February 2014 (pdf, 24 Kb) >
Regulated Agreements
Regulated agreement of 2 March 2020 and components of the compensation of Mr. Emmanuel Babeau (pdf, 109 Kb) >
Board of Directors of the 25th April 2017 (pdf, 30 Kb) >
The Executive Committee
Chaired by the Chief Executive Officier, the Executive Committee supports the operational management of the Group.
More about the Executive Committee >