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Share Price 
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Welcome to the Schneider Electric corporate Website

You will be registered in Schneider Electric’s share register and UPTEVIA will maintain your securities account.​​


You are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting and are entitled to double voting rights for shares held for at least 2 years as of December 31st of the year preceding the date of the AGM​.

  • You are exempt from paying custody fees.​

  • Brokerage fees represent 0.25% of the gross transaction amount (excl. VAT), with a minimum fee of €6.10 (excl. VAT).​

  • The dividend is credited to your bank account free of charge, provided you have communicated your bank account details.​


* As of incurred when placing a buy/sell order by phone, post, or fax.​

Compare forms of share ownership

This table provides an overview of the benefits of each form:
Registered form
Administered registered form
Bearer form
I am entitled to a dividend X X X
I am entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting X X X
I will be invited to the General Meeting directly by UPTEVIA X X
I am entitled to double voting rights for shares held for at least 2 years as of December 31st of the year preceding the date of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) X X
I have the possibility to vote online for the AGM on the Planetshare website ( X X
I am exempt of custody fees X Depending on institution Depending on institution
My shares can be registered in a French PEA (Plan d’Epargne en Actions) or UK ISA (Individual Savings Account) X X
I have the freedom to choose the financial institution holding my shares X X
I have a single point of contact for different securities held X X