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What is IONTest, and how do I use it to read meter data?

Product Line
ION Enterprise
Struxureware Power Monitoring (SPM)
Power Monitoring Expert (PME)

IONTest is a program that allows for very specific communications to ION devices. It removes the Graphical User Interface from the communication path in favor of a more direct connection to the ION Device.  This allows for in-depth troubleshooting, such as setting modules online/offline, changing module parameters, deleting modules, and requesting information. This information can then direct an issue to the meter side or the software side for a solution.

There are three areas in an IONTest message: a handle, a method, and a value.

The handle describes what object you are performing your action on.
The method is what action you are taking on the object referenced by its handle.
The value is the value(s) provided to the method to perform its operation.

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