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Is +/- (UPDT )SPEED function available in ATV310 drive as it is available in ATV312/ATV32/ATV71 drives ?

Yes, this function is available in ATV310 Drive .The name of function is Speed up and down. Please go as below to access this parameter
Up speed/down speed command will change the initial speed reference. Eventually it produces an overall "speed increment". This speed increment accumulates over time depending on the actions of LIx and LIy. It is therefore necessary to keep a record of speed increment when changing speed reference.
Visible only if parameter 506.0 and 506.1 are configured.

In Function menu to 500 then 506
506.0 for Up speed command (LI1 to LUH)
506.1 for Down speed command (LI1 to LUH)

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