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Seizing the digital opportunity – an industrial software action plan

Industrial enterprises are under pressure to adopt a digital-driven approach for their operations and for interacting with markets, customers, and the world around us.


Schneider Electric Industrial Automation

Seizing the digital opportunity

An industrial software action plan

There is a heightened need for manufacturers to achieve what the MLC now calls ‘digital acumen’ in their leadership ranks and digital literacy in their workforces; mastery over the collection, organization, and analysis of data; and the need to understand the potential of advanced technologies to create new business models.” Manufacturing Leadership Council

Our world is undergoing a digital metamorphosis. The way we obtain, produce, and deliver goods and services is increasingly driven by information technology. More people are working remotely. More interactions are digital. And more routine, repetitive, and high-risk operations are automated.

Industrial enterprises are under pressure to adopt a digital-driven approach for their operations and for interacting with markets, customers, and the world around us.

At the same time, manufacturing and process industries face accelerating challenges, including supply chain interruptions, the energy crisis, major business disruptions due to the pandemic, intensified sustainability concerns, and a rapidly changing workforce.

As modern industrialists, it’s time to make bold moves. Why? Because we will not succeed simply by making existing processes and equipment more efficient and holding on to outdated business practices.

“Industrial giants rose to dominance by making high-quality physical objects. Lower-cost competition and increasingly complex multistakeholder ecosystems mean this old route to success is no longer sufficient. To survive, industrial firms must move faster, deliver new value to new stakeholders, and respond to the shifting expectations of both their customers and their customers’ customers.” Forrester

Digital transformation is not only about using digital tools to improve the way we currently work. Digital transformation is about fundamentally changing the way we do business. It impacts everything across an organization—from its people and culture to its processes and business model. Companies that undergo holistic digital transformations will be well positioned to prosper among the industries of the future.

According to LNS Research, one-half of industrial enterprises report they have embarked on a digital transformation journey, and these programs are yielding real benefits. LNS found that leaders in digital transformation are 72% more likely to have grown revenues by more than 10%, and 57% more likely to have reduced Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) by more than 10% because of these initiatives.

How large language models can boost industrial automation

Generative AI like ChatGPT demonstrates in mind-blowing ways the potential impact that large language models could have on the way people interact with machines; and there is no place where people and machines interact more than in industrial automation segments.

Software, robots, and people

The role of human-centric automation in high-performing industrial businesses

Embracing the power of industrial transformation – from single site to enterprise-wide

We need to do more, and go faster, to build our resilience to future shocks, and industrial automation has a huge part to play in this. 

Information is the new currency

The primary resource of a modern society is knowledge. Data, when contextualized and combined with human insight, can be elevated to highly valuable, actionable information.

Getting smart with advanced technologies

Influential organizations are adopting artificial intelligence (AI), prescriptive analytics and digital twins to improve their processes and products and strengthen their competitive positions.

It’s time for universal automation

Until now, the industrial world has worked with closed proprietary architectures and hardware-dependent applications. Yet, in a software-driven world, interoperability is essential.

The green future of industrial sustainability

Achieving sustainable operations is one of the most important challenges that manufacturing and process industries have ever faced.

Digital transformation case studies

Learn from real world industrial companies how a seamless and collaborative dataflow can increase efficiency, sustainability, and profitability.

How to pick your software partners

A lot is at stake when selecting software partners. Implementing the wrong software, or even deploying good software the wrong way, can set your business up for failure before you even get started.

Transforming manufacturing supply chains with data

How manufacturing companies can leverage the power of data for a more resilient supply chain.