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How industries can use automation to innovate

The industrial sector is dominated by closed, propriety systems that are not designed for flexibility and prioritize vendor lock-in over innovation.

How industries can use automation to innovate

• The industrial sector is dominated by closed, propriety systems that are not designed for flexibility and prioritize vendor lock-in over innovation.
• Failure to apply truly open, interoperable standards for automation tools is costly on all fronts and bold action is needed now to recover from COVID-19.
• Change will only be achieved through global collaboration and we call on the entire industrial ecosystem to come to the discussion table for universal automation. 

  This piece was first published by The World Economic Forum on March 9, 2021

The future of work in industry: Empowering the next-generation workforce through digitalization

The majority of industrial companies say attracting talent is a key challenge. Increased automation and digitalization can overcome it and empower the next generation workforce.
A group of men wearing hard hats and working on a computer

Software-defined industrial automation: A perspective from IDC

IDC provides insights into the significant transformation occurring in industrial automation through software-defined automation.

New ways of automation – a documentary about manufacturer independent industrial automation

Experts from industry, mechanical engineering, universities and science explain how a manufacturer-independent, software-centric and standards-based approach to automation is bringing a paradigm shift for industrial organizations.

The matrix returns but sleep well: Industrial automation is so siloed the dystopia could never be real

Dystopian futures created in great films – an evil combination of AI and machines taking over humanity

Data engineers steer for interoperability

Hear from our own Aurelien Le Sant, CTO and SVP Innovation & Technology, Industrial automation

Universal automation - A call for change

In the face of our climate crisis, industry must adopt sustainable practices for a greener future.

The industries of the future manifesto

Industry is efficient, resilient, sustainable, and people-focused. Let's thrive there.

5 key steps to building a better industrial world

Industrial leaders can create a digital-first future for the next generation and beyond

(Energy + Automation) X Digital = Sustainable resiliency

What happens when you add energy and automation together, and multiply it with digital?

Industry must transform: A practical recommendation

To survive, industries must transform. With universal automation, it's easier than you think.