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Welcome to the Schneider Electric corporate Website

The impact of the built environment on our planet's future is a critical area of study
There is an urgent need to address the environmental impact of buildings, particularly the embodied environmental impacts
As buildings become more energy efficient in their operations, the embodied impacts become increasingly significant

Discover proven strategies to cut building environmental impacts significantly

  • The price of our urban landscapes

    Buildings account for approximately 40% of global energy consumption and one-third of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

  • Strategies for reduction

    Material efficiency and recycled content strategies are highly effective in reducing embodied impacts across all categories studied

  • Water-energy-carbon-ecotoxicity nexus

    For every 1% implementation of these strategies, approximately 0.7-0.8% reduction is achieved in global warming potential, water depletion potential, fossil depletion potential, and ecotoxicity