Re-Inventing the new electric world with mySchneider Switchboard Manufacturers Program
mySchneider Switchboard Manufacturers program empowers our panel builders to drive profit and growth by staying ahead of the competition, simplify their life and develop their internal teams through digital interaction and innovations.
The mySchneider switchboard manufacturers program is comprised of two levels of achievement, each with attractive benefits tailored to address your needs. Starting at the “Premier” level, we recognize your skills and reward your performance wherever your business operates. Progressing through to our EcoXpert level, you can further your expertise by partnering with Schneider Electric to drive digital transformation through our EcoStruxure architecture and platform.
mySchneider Switchboard Manufacturers program benefits
Advance your expertise as an EcoXpert
The pinnacle of the mySchneider Panel Builders program is our EcoXpert level. Trained and certified by Schneider Electric, EcoXpert partners are the implementation arms of EcoStruxure™, our open, interoperable, IoT-enabled system architecture and platform. Excelling in their given fields of expertise, EcoXpert panel builders are recognised with five unique certifications.