Accelerating sustainability for all
Our corporate sustainability strategy

Schneider Electric Net-Zero commitment

Schneider Electric biodiversity pledge
We commit to no net biodiversity loss in our operations by 2030 to preserve natural ecosystems and resources.

Our 6 long-term commitments

Sustainability insights
Featured blogs and white papers

Why businesses must champion reforestation and conservation

Guide to assessing product sustainability

Three transformations drive our climate action

The 2030 imperative
Our Sustainability Research Institute’s latest modeling

Towards net-zero buildings
A framework toward net-zero Buildings to accelerate the investment needed to deliver a greener urban built environment.

Guide to sustainability metrics for data centers
This framework proposes categories and metrics for Beginning, Advanced, and Leading data center operators.

Back to 2050

Cracking the energy efficiency case in buildings

Electric vehicle smart charging in buildings

Realizing the potential of customer-sited solar

Urban transformations: integrated energy solutions

Building heat decarbonization

Digital economy and climate impact

Fit for 55 package

Beyond the scope of climate pledges
Engaging our supply chain on The Zero Carbon Project

Sustainable recognitions and awards

Named the World’s Most Sustainable Corporation for the second time
Named the World’s Most Sustainable Corporation for the second time
Named as one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies for the 14th year
Named as one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies for the 14th year
European leader in the list and in the top 15 for the 10th consecutive year
European leader in the list and in the top 15 for the 10th consecutive year
Leader in its industry in managing the most significant ESG risks and opportunities
Leader in its industry in managing the most significant ESG risks and opportunities
Included in 2024 in the main Euronext Vigeo indices
Included in 2024 in the main Euronext Vigeo indices
Platinum medal in 2025 for the 5th consecutive year
Platinum medal in 2025 for the 5th consecutive year
In the FTSE4Good Index Series for the 9th year in a row
In the FTSE4Good Index Series for the 9th year in a row
Included in DJSI World for the 14th consecutive year
Included in DJSI World for the 14th consecutive year2030 United Nations Agenda for Sustainable Development
No poverty
As a responsible employer, manufacturer, and buyer, Schneider Electric is committed to ensuring the well-being of employees throughout its value chain. Through sustainable procurement, fair compensation, and development opportunities, the Group ensures all its stakeholders can live fulfilling and thriving lives.
50 million
Zero hunger
Food is a basic need and a necessity for livelihood. Schneider contributes to strengthening food security by improving access to energy in rural areas, through better irrigation, food storage, and processing.
50 million
Good health and well-being
Schneider’s holistic view of well-being translates into programs that support the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of its people, but also across its operations, safeguarding the reliability of the healthcare sector by powering their facilities.
Quality education
Gender equality
Schneider Electric believes in equality between all genders. As such, the long-lasting difference in society’s treatment of men and women is a challenge we face and rise to as we believe that diversity, equity, and inclusion benefit all.
women hired (50%), front-line manager (40%), and leaders (30%) by 2025
Clean water and sanitation
Schneider takes great care in ensuring its operations have no impact on biodiversity and water quality. The Group protects water on its sites, with a specific conservation strategy and solutions in water-stressed areas to limit the impact on local communities.
of sites in water-stressed areas build a dedicated strategy and action plan by 2025
Affordable and clean energy
50 million
Decent work and economic growth
Industry, innovation, and infrastructure
800M tonnes
Reduced inequalities
50 million
Sustainable cities and communities
Schneider offers a solution to ensure sustainability in urban areas with smarter homes and buildings. The Schneider Electric Foundation acts to provide access to sustainable energy to all, turning our global commitments into local realities.
Responsible consumption and production
Climate action
Schneider Electric has been leading the fight against climate change for 15 years. Its strategy focuses on acting for climate protection, preserving resources, and maintaining ethical practices to fight for the planet.
800M tonnes
Life below water
Resources are essential to our business; preserving them not only makes good business sense but is also the right thing to do. Hence, preserving the ocean has become core to our sustainability engagement and we commit to protecting marine life.
Life on land
Schneider Electric is committed to using fewer natural resources, living within our planet’s means, and advancing an accelerated biodiversity strategy. We align with like-minded partners to prioritize conservation and help create a more sustainable world.
Peace, justice, and strong institutions
Partnerships for the goals
Schneider Electric is a global company that aims to adapt and ensure cooperation amongst all its stakeholders to create an environment of trust and prosperity in its operations but also for its employees’ and local communities’ fulfillment.
More about what we do for sustainability

Sustainability reports

Climate change advisory services

Sustainability glossary