Request license processing

Upload and request the processing of a License Request File. It might need a login with your Schneider Electric user account.

The License Request File is generated when you select “by Web Portal” during activation, update, return or repair in the Schneider Electric License Manager or in the Schneider Electric Floating License Manager.

Those two License Managers are delivered inside each Schneider Electric software which implements the licensing mechanism that you can manage using this Web Portal.


Request license processing

Upload and request the processing of a License Request File. It might need a login with your Schneider Electric user account. The License Request File is generated when you select “by Web Portal” during activation, update, return or repair in the Schneider Electric License Manager or in the Schneider Electric Floating License Manager.

Click the Browse button to select the License Request File.

Click the Submit button to start uploading and requesting the processing of the selected file and follow the instructions in the subsequent forms.

Click the Cancel button to cancel.

License Request File:

Processing your License Request

Your License Request File is being uploaded.

Your License Request File is being processed by the system.

Processing your License Request

You need a Web User Account to register your license(s).

Would you like to register now or to register later?

Processing your License Request

Would you like to register now or to register later?

Register license

Register license(s) …

Register license

Thank you for registering your license(s).

You will benefit from the additional services offered.

License Request File denied

Failed to process your License Request File
Error Code:

Download my License Response File

Your License Request has been processed successfully.
After downloading the License Response File go back to your PC where you have created the License Request File.
Use the Schneider Electric License Manager or Schneider Electric Floating License Manager on your PC to import the License Response File.

Confirm Close

It looks like you have not saved the License Response File.

Do not close unless you have saved the License Response File.

If you close then you will not be able to retrieve the License Response File content later.

Click the Close button to cancel only after you have saved the License Response File.