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Pozdravljen/a na spletnem mestu družbe Schneider Electric

Pozdravljeni na našem spletnem mestu.

Razišči ponudbo industrijske programske opreme AVEVA​

  • AVEVA Process Engineering

    AVEVA Simulation and Learning

  • AVEVA Unified Operations Center

    AVEVA Operations Control

    AVEVA Insight

    AVEVA Manufacturing Execution System

    AVEVA Work Tasks

    AVEVA Production Optimization

    AVEVA PI System

    AVEVA Operations Data Management

  • AVEVA Predictive Analytics

    AVEVA Asset Performance Management

  • AVEVA Flex Subscription Program

Potrebuješ pomoč?

Začni tukaj

Poišči odgovore/rešitve. Rešitev/odgovor lahko poiščeš sam/a ali pa se posvetuj z enim od naših strokovnjakov.

Obrni se na podporo

Za več informacij, tehnično podporo ali pomoč pri pritožbah se obrni na naš center za pomoč strankam.

Kje kupiti izdelke?

Enostavno poišči svojega najbližjega distributerja Schneider Electric.

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Prebrskaj med pogosto zastavljenimi vprašanji (FAQ)

Poišči odgovore na svoja vprašanja tako, da prebrskaš pogosto zastavljena vprašanja (FAQ), povezana z določeno temo.

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Želiš govoriti s svetovalcem o naših izdelkih in storitvah?
AVEVA software allows the optimal use of industrial, data center, and infrastructure resources. AVEVA InTouch HMI (formerly Wonderware) is the first choice among SCADA software systems worldwide. It is a perfectly designed HMI/SCADA system dedicated to complex machines, larger facilities, as well as entire production lines. It has already been chosen by more than 100,000 companies worldwide. Now you can optimize engineering, operations, and maintenance processes across your company, delivering efficiencies and savings. Together, we help you transform capabilities into business value.
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